Tyler Low

Tyler Low

Tyler Low completed our Advanced Programme in Music Production and Sound Engineering in 2022, after which he joined our team as a technician.

Before starting the course with us, he had previously studied music performance and sound technology, focussing particularly on composition after which he decided to shift focus towards production and recording.

Some highlights during his time on the course include playing and collaborating with fellow students to assistant engineering the live version of Deity’s Muse’s ERRA. Tyler also began working alongside Mijaelle Dewart of Musical Muse Development to record vocal students and help them with achieving their own goals.

He engineered the recording and mixing of multiple tracks with the group in our studios, making ample use of the skills he had learnt on the course, and he continues to work with them since graduating.

Alongside working at the Institute, Tyler has worked in the live sound industry as a freelancer and aims to develop himself further as both a live and studio engineer. He is also expanding the portfolio of artists and musicians he works with. His long-term goal is to continue working in a recording studio and developing his skills as a live engineer. Find out more about Tyler on his social media account.